Friday, July 13, 2012

Everyday I feed the birds on the balcony. So many birds come and I enjoy watching them eat bird seed. Tavny, the cat is waiting for the birds to come. He is sneeking behind the glass door and jumps toward the glass. Poor birds they are so scared. They do not know he can not touch them on the other side of the door. It reminds me that all of us are covered with the blood of Jesus and the devil can not touch us. But he goes around as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour,/not everyone/ he is seeking for someone, who forgets about the blood of Jesus that protects us. But the Devil is only as a roaring lion. I heard that he is like a mouse with a microphone, blows the microphone and makes too much noice... And scares many of God's children. We have the Lion of Judah! Let Him roar and the one who is as a lion will flee away. There is too much more to say, why the Devil can devour some of God;s children but I will write more later... Thank You Jesus for the blood, Thank You for protecting and did everything on the Cross and made us more than conquerors, because You loved us so much.


  1. Mrs Nellie, I don't think there is anyone on this earth who is generous and sweet as you, If there is I have not found him or her, I have never met anyone like you, you have so much love, and you haven't even known me that long, you never have a unkind word to say to me and you never have anything but love to give, my own family does not do that, I wish i could do more for you, give you, All i can say is Thank you from my heart, you have so much love, you always have an encouraging Word from God, to say, and its filled with love and not condemnation..... I love you

    Thank you

    Love you
    Dear Toni,
    I am just an earthen vessel, all I have is His treasure in me
    And all the Glory is for Him
    Thank you Toni

  2. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ
    for your love and mercy


  4. Thank you Jesus for You are always with me.
    Thank you for the victory of all the prayers
    I love you Jesus You are my best Friend
    You are All I have and I need
